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Funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, Treatment Efforts Addressing Child Weight Management by Unifying Patients, Parents & Providers (TEAM UP) is a multi-site collaboration between Washington University in St. Louis, University of Missouri in Columbia, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, and University of Rochester  to help children and families lose weight and become healthier through healthy eating and physical activity.

The TEAM UP program requires one child between the ages of 6 and 15 years old who struggles with their weight and one parent to participate. Families are randomly enrolled into one of two programs. In program one, families would meet regularly with their child’s pediatrician to discuss weight management and set goals for healthy living. In program two, families also have regular meetings with their child’s pediatrician, as well as a trained health coach to discuss healthy foods and physical activity. Participating families complete assessments throughout the course of 18 months. The goal of the study is to determine the effectiveness of family based-behavioral treatment (FBT) compared to enhanced standard of care (eSOC). Learn more about how to participate in TEAM UP >>