
Recruitment Through Participating Clinics Starting Soon


Family-based Approach for Healthy Lifestyles (RYSE) is a Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded research program that evaluates the practical issues that arise when delivering Family-based Behavioral Treatment (FBT) for children with overweight and obesity in a real-world setting. From the research program, we aim to identify difficulties that the families face finding and receiving FBT treatment and opportunities that will make it easier for any family that wants to change their lifestyle. The specific goal of our research program is understanding how to increase access to this evidence-based, highly effective treatment among low-income families with children ages 5 to 12. Ultimately, we want to disseminate FBT as a packaged intervention across Missouri so that all children with overweight or obesity can access very easily this life-changing intervention.

With Washington University as the coordinating center, the RYSE research program is active at two regional clinical sites, Freeman Health Pediatrics in Joplin, Missouri and Children’s Mercy Pediatrics Clinics in Kansas City, Missouri. are recruiting for and conducting the research program for their communities. RYSE comprises both individual and group treatment delivery to optimize both family-specific tailoring and group dynamic support for success.