Training and data collection ongoing; no longer recruiting participants.
Over the past 20 years, our team at Washington University School of Medicine has collaborated with Stanford University to conduct a programmatic line of research resulting in the comprehensive online platform, the Healthy Body Image Program.
The Healthy Body Image Program is comprised of an online screening tool — the Stanford-Washington University Eating Disorders Screen — and tailored, online evidence-based interventions (StayingFit, Student Bodies-Classic, and Student Bodies-Eating Disorders) for individuals across the eating disorder risk and diagnostic spectrum. In the current study, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), we aim to demonstrate that our technologically-enhanced, guided self-help program, Student Bodies–Eating Disorders (SB-ED), which includes mobile technology and clinical management tools, produces measurable and significant improvements in access, costs and outcomes for eating disorder intervention over usual care. Twenty-eight colleges have been randomly assigned to receive either SB-ED or referral to usual care. We are currently in the process of enrolling at least 650 students across these campuses who screen positive for a DSM-5 clinical or subclinical eating disorder (excluding full-syndrome anorexia nervosa, which warrants more intensive medical monitoring).